Pete Rose Sucks
We know there are still some people out there who are silly enough to actually pay this disrespectful loser in order to meet him and maybe get a picture. If you are among that group our first suggestion is that you seek professional help. Next, if you really need to give a guy who should be sponsored by Summer's Eve some of your hard earned cash, listed below is his schedule for the next two weeks. Have fun, but you know what they say about a fool and his money, right?
07/25/24 I was signing crap somewhere.
07/26/24 I was signing crap somewhere.
07/27/24 I am signing crap somewhere.
07/28/24 I will be signing crap somewhere.
07/29/24 I will be signing crap somewhere.
07/30/24 I will be signing crap somewhere.
07/31/24 I will be signing crap somewhere.
08/01/24 I will be signing crap somewhere.
08/02/24 I will be signing crap somewhere.
08/03/24 I will be signing crap somewhere.
08/04/24 I will be signing crap somewhere.
08/05/24 I will be signing crap somewhere.
08/06/24 I will be signing crap somewhere.
08/07/24 I will be signing crap somewhere.
08/08/24 I will be signing crap somewhere.
08/09/24 I will be signing crap somewhere.
08/10/24 I will be signing crap somewhere.
Parents, don't let your kids grow up to be like Pete. He is a terrible role model even for criminals and thugs!
Screw Pete!
Ass Hat
Meet Pete's Bookie
Pete Shops At Baseball Rampage!
Rose put up numbers, no one can deny that. At the same time, his total lack of respect for the game of baseball and his fellow competitors, his arrogance about breaking the rules that called for a PERMANENT LIFETIME BAN, and his total lack of class in dealing with the consequences of his own personal choices just go to show how big a bag of douche he really is. Pete should NEVER be in the Hall Of Fame, even as a visitor!
Pete Rose Sucks