Pete Rose Sucks
We firmly believe that Pete Rose is the largest bag of douche to have ever worn a baseball uniform at any level of the game. His actions have done more harm to baseball than those of any other player or group of players in the modern era. Rose is the worst role model that any parent can hold out for their children. The man has not one ounce of integrity in his body and has no respect for the game of baseball what so ever.
The absolute worst thing that baseball could ever do is enshrine this asshole into the hall of fame. Pete was the cheapest and dirtiest player we have seen play and we have been watching the game for over 50 years.
Pete do us all a favor. Sit down, shut up, and go the fuck away. It has been over twenty years since you gave your word that you would accept a lifetime ban from the game. You knew when you bet on games that this was the prescribed punishment. Man up and accept your punishment and stop acting like a little girl whining about getting back in the game you disgraced so badly. No one wants to see your disgusting mug hawk worthless crap any more. You are a disgrace to the game, the uniform you wore, and anyone whoever played baseball at any level.
Screw Pete!
Meet Pete's Bookie
Pete Shops At Baseball Rampage!
I agreed to this:
THEREFORE, the Commissioner, recognizing the benefits
to Baseball from a resolution of this matter, orders and
directs that Peter Edward Rose be subject to the following
disciplinary sanctions, and Peter Edward Rose, recognizing the
sole and exclusive authority of the Commissioner and that it is
in his interest to resolve this matter without further
proceedings, agrees to accept the following disciplinary
sanctions imposed by the Commissioner:
a. Peter Edward Rose is hereby declared permanently
ineligible in accordance with Major League Rule 21 and placed
on the Ineligible List.
Pete Rose Sucks